Thursday 24 January 2013

Moment of Realisation

Due to boredom, I went on Facebook a couple of minutes ago. And the first thing I saw was this video my uncle shared, and just like that, I finally realised something--

The video was about this guy who wouldn't stop complaining about how his life sucked and he would not stop acting like he was the only one with problems. Well that was until this mysterious dude that showed up from nowhere gave him a pair of spectacles that gave him the ability to see the truth about others. To see the problems and hardships that they too are facing. And theirs was much worst.
You see, what I'm trying to say here is that everybody has problems. The world doesn't revolve around you. And life may seem unfair, but it's unfair to everyone. So it's somewhat fair somehow.

Everybody has their own problems, and most go through much tougher situations in life. So next time you see someone, anyone, offer them a smile. It could probably be the only thing that's keeping them together. Random acts of kindness are the best, because you never know how big of a deal your small help can mean to someone out there. Be kind, and appreciate the life the Lord has given you. No matter what, believe in God and never give up. ;')

P/s. Everything happens for a reason :) I've questioned my life too lately, and this video helped me to discover something important. And if it wasn't for the boredom I was suffering from, I probably wouldn't have seen that video and continued thinking that life is all bad. Coincidence? I think not ;)

1 comment:

  1. Life is unfair for all of us but it's fair that everyone is also facing unfairness in life. True indeed :)
